
Linda Brewer  is a teacher who is getting her master’s degree in gifted education. She also writes books for gifted students who are tired of reading things that were really intended for adults, just because they can.

Excellent Post by the Duke University Talent Identification Program re: what gifted kids like in a novel:

I hadn’t seen this when I wrote Jim and Jack, but I’m pleased to say that it is right on target. 🙂

3 responses to “About

  1. melinda casey-gamez

    What interesting thoughgts! I agree! The subject matter in many of these books that they choose are disturbing or not very stimulating at all. They can certainly be misinterpreted or just not understood altogether. I have to say that Mrs. Masgras does do a good job so far of choosing challenging and age appropriate subject matter materials. They (teachers) could also just do more challenging assignments to accompany the books being read. I too, read my mothers’ Edgar Allen Poe books (from a class she was taking at CSU) in 2nd. grade. We were not moving but I was often left with a kind but not very attentive grandmother. Good luck on the writing, sounds like a good idea to me!


  2. Morgan

    if Jack and Jim ever gets published i would like a copy! it really is a good book!!


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